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Open Tender for the Purchase of Payment Terminals by Yelo Bank

Yelo Bank is announcing an open tender for the purchase of new payment terminals. Tender participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Professionalism and experience in the relevant field, technical and financial capabilities, workforce, management competence, and reliability.
  • Capability for payment.
  • Must have the right to freely and unconstrainedly use their property, with no legal claims or encumbrances on their property.
  • No overdue tax or other mandatory payments in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • Must have the necessary licenses or permits for conducting the relevant type of business or performing certain actions.
  • Not declared bankrupt or had their commercial activities suspended by a court decision.

Tender Submission Deadline:

  • Tender proposals must be submitted in sealed envelopes by January 29, 2024, no later than 17:00 Baku time at the following address: Həsən bəy Zərdabi 81K, Baku.
  • Each corner of the envelope must be sealed.
  • Proposals received after the specified date and time will not be accepted.

For technical specifications and participation requirements, please follow the links below: [Insert Links Here]

Yelo Bank – Bright Banking!