Multifunctional Mobile App by Yelo

Loan secured by real estate

Mortgage loan with any real estate on the most favorable terms

To realise great goals

  • Amount

    5 000 - 100 000 AZN
  • Term

    12 - 54 months
  • Annual interest rate

    min. 14%
  • Commission



  • Pledge can be any state-registered real estate located in the country (except for villages in the regions), regardless of the branch that issued the loan: apartment, detached house, cottage, trade object.
  • The pledge must be in the name of the borrower or first-degree relatives (spouse, parent (as well as adoptive parents), children (also adopted), sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, husband / wife's parents (as well as guardians)).
  • Minimum salary - 500 AZN


  • Borrower's identity card
  • Document confirming the right of ownership of the pledged property (extract);
  • Form 1. Certificate of encumbrance from the State Agency for State Property Management;
  • Form 2. Certificate of registration from MKIS;
  • Pledger's marriage certificate;
  • Notarized consent of the mortgagor and his spouse to pledge the property;
  • Notarization of the mortgage agreement;
  • Copies and IDs of ID cards of persons registered in the mortgaged property.

Effective annual rate of interest (EARI) : min :14 %, max:18.1 %

Loan secured by real estate



Amount of loan


Мы гарантируем безопасность и сохранность ваших данных

Special for you

Cash loan

For a better life

  • Amount

    400 - 50 000 AZN

  • Term

    6 – 59 months

  • Annual interest rate

    min. 9.5%

Online loan

Completely online, without visiting the bank

  • Annual interest rate

    Starting from 9.5%

  • Amount

    Up to 50,000 AZN

  • Commission

    0 - 3.5 %

Loan secured by deposit

For your confident use

  • Term

    Till the end of deposit term

  • Annual interest rate

    Deposit interest rate + 3%

  • Registration fee

    0-1 %


For the house of your dreams

  • Amount

    Up to 150 000 AZN

  • Term

    Up to 360 months

  • Initial payment


Yelobank mobile application