Multifunctional Mobile App by Yelo


For the house of your dreams

For the house of your dreams

  • Amount

    150 000 AZN (Regular) / 100 000 AZN (Discounted)
  • Term

    up to 300 months (Regular) / 360 months (Discounted)
  • Annual interest rate

    7% - 8% (Regular) / 4% (Discounted)
  • Initial payment



  • D card of AR
  • Income documents for the last 6 months
  • Pledge documents
  • Age: 20 – 65 years
  • Registered immovable property or land

For the house of your dreams

  • Amount

    150 000 AZN (Regular) / 100 000 AZN (Discounted)
  • Term

    up to 300 months (Regular) / 360 months (Discounted)
  • Annual interest rate

    7% - 8% (Regular) / 3.7% (Discounted)
  • Initial payment



  • D card of AR
  • Income documents for the last 6 months
  • Pledge documents
  • Age: 20 – 65 years
  • Registered immovable property or land
Applying for a loan online is very easy
  • 1


  • 2

    Get a confirmation

  • 3

    Take a loan

Order a loan

Final amount

Monthly payment


We guarantee the safety and security of your data

Special for you

Cash loan

For a better life

  • Amount

    400 - 50 000 AZN

  • Term

    6 – 59 months

  • Annual interest rate

    min. 9.5%

Online loan

Completely online, without visiting the bank

  • Annual interest rate

    Starting from 9.5%

  • Amount

    Up to 50,000 AZN

  • Commission

    0 - 3.5 %

Loan secured by real estate

Mortgage loan with any real estate on the most favorable terms

  • Amount

    5 000 - 100 000 AZN

  • Term

    12 - 54 months

  • Annual interest rate

    min. 14%

Loan secured by deposit

For your confident use

  • Term

    Till the end of deposit term

  • Annual interest rate

    Deposit interest rate + 3%

  • Registration fee

    0-1 %

Yelo Light

Yelo card will change your perception of comfort - you will spend and track comfortably, you will earn and receive discounts comfortably.

  • Term

    5 years

  • Currency

    AZN / USD / EUR

  • Cashback

    up to 30%

Yelo Premium

Yelo card will change your perception of comfort - you will spend and track comfortably, you will earn and receive discounts comfortably.

  • Term

    5 years

  • Currency

    AZN / USD / EUR

  • Cashback

    up to 30%

Yelobank mobile application